Friday, May 14, 2010

What is my input in our society's shape?

This article was abandoned and the idea was reused in "A Political Science understanding". However, I leave the initial draft since I started with a different perspective.

Lets get started this blog with what I guess is a traditional exercise for students attending this class.

Although I like to criticize how much "people" are selfish regarding what they consume, I never proceeded to the simple evaluation of my own consumption impact on society.
I guess that among my fellow citizen, no one is really more or less responsible than I am for what the trade aspect of society looks like. Well all have money in our wallets, and we all have many alternatives on how to spend this money. Whenever a single individual makes the choice to consume a particular product, he is shaping how trade is organized. The aggregate of these individual choices make up the whole trade system.

Therefore, I will look at the consequences of the things I consume. I should also strive to find some alternatives, if, for instance, I realize that I am responsible for making Chinese kids work in factories for the textile I am wearing.

Yesterday I went to l'Epicerie on St. Laurent and Duluth. This is a place where food is much less expensive than at Provigo, where I would usually go before discovering this place. At l'Epicerie, there is less place per article than in usual grocery shops. The place is very crowded, customers fight to find their way through the alleys. As a student, I am willing to fight the crowd for high discounts.

But arise a first question: is it the only strategy used by the company in order to deliver these products at such interesting prices?

I should look for these elements:
-How much the cashier pay and working conditions differ from other groceries?
-How squeezed are the suppliers? Are they being exploited or respected for their work by the company?
-Where does all these cheap products come from?

Having the bill in my hand, I can start this work, I will contrast cheap products bought at l'Epicerie with relatively, more expensive products from Provigo.

-"Beaubien Bagel" is the first article appearing on the bill. I paid $1.69 for six of these lovely bagels.
I picked up the address on google:
"Bagel du Monde - Bagel Beaubien
828 Rue Beaubien Est"
I should contrast Beaubien Bagel with Gadoua Baggels I usually consume at Provigo ($3.19).

-The second product I will study is "Lafleur saussages", I paid $2.52 for a dozen of sausages at l'Epicerie.
I should contrast Lafleur saussages with "sans nom" sausages from Provigo ($1.59).

-I should also pay attention to the fruits and vegetables delivered from Provigo and l'Epicerie.

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